Eudemon - Eudemon Attribute


A Eudemon will get a unique ID after its second evolution at the magic cauldron in the market once it reaches level 40.


The current level of your eudemon.


The HP of your eudemon. 0 means the eudemon is dead.


The melee attack of a eudemon, the higher it is, the more damage it does.


The melee defense of a eudemon, the higher it is, the less damage it receives.


The magic attack of a Eudemon, the higher it is, the more damage its magic attack does


The magic defense of a Eudemon, the higher it is, the less damage it takes from magic.


In EO, the loyalty decides whether you can summone your eudemon or combine with it.

When the loyalty is below 50, you cannot summon it.

When the loyalty is below 80, its level up will decrease its quality.

When the loyalty is below 100, you cannot combine with it, and it will not get a talent reward.

Only when the loyalty is 120+, you can login to the Eudemon Profile and use some advanced combine skills and the star light effect will appear.

When the loyalty is 150+, if the player's HP is low, the player's damage will be converted to the eudemon, to show its loyalty.

When will the loyalty increase or decrease?

1. If you keep the eudemon with you
2. Summon it in fight; its level up will increase its loyalty.

1. If the eudemon is killed or is dead.
2. Exchange it with others, the exchange will cause a decrease in loyalty.


This will make a better eudemon composing. Click here to learn the details.

Eudemon Rank

See Eudemon Quality page.

Required job

Refers to the required job for a player if he/she wants to own a eudemon. 0--->level up (Civilian) refers to it has no job requirement.

Level Exp

How much exp is needed for its next level.

Initial HP

The Initial HP of a newborn Eudemon.

Initial Attack

The Initial Attack of a newborn Eudemon.

Initial Defense

The Initial Defense of a newborn Eudemon.

Initial M-Attack

The Initial Magic Attack of a newborn Eudemon.

Initial M-Defense

The Initial Magic Defense of a newborn Eudemon.