A small family consists of a husband and wife, while a large family consists of 6 small families. If you join a family, your spouse will automatically join that family as well. There are 12 spaces (6 members and their spouses) available for each large family.
Families fight monsters in order to share dropped items and gain the best BP. Families can also join the family war in order to occupy maps and set new rewards. Families will soon be able to build houses, gain territory and increase their totems.
Create a Family
1. Requirements: Character level 50 plus 500,000 in gold
2. Steps: 1) Find Ronald (Cronus 164,358). He is in charge of all family affairs.

2. Talk to him and select "I want to establish a family." He will tell you the details.
3.If you meet the requirements, he will let you enter a unique family name and create a family.
4. After your family is successfully created, you will be the leader of your family.
Join a Family
You can join a family by sending a request to the leader, accepting the leader's invitation, or married a family member.
Rules 1. Your spouse will automatically join your family 2. A leader can join another family and become a family member. 3. A leader can click Legion/Family to recruit other players to join his/her family. 4. You can donate gold to your family. The donated gold will be added to your family's funds.
Leadership The leader of a family can click Legion/Family button to manage his/her family.
Recruit: Invite other players to join your family.
Expel: Select a member's name and click Expel to kick this player out of your family.
Bequeath: Give your leadership to other family members.
 Bulletin: Announce the family messages. All online members can see these messages.

Family Info
1) The online members'names are white, while the offline members' names are red. 2) Double click an online member's name to view his/her stats. 3) Double click an online member's name to chat with him/her in the Family Channel.

Family Upgrade
Once your family has been upgraded, your family leader can spend the required red stones to upgrade your family BP. The higher the family BP, the more bonus BP you will share.
Upgrade Your Family to Level 2 Visit SaulNathaniel (Cronus 181,341).
Upgrade Your Family From Level 2 To Level 5 Visit Ronald (Cronus 164,358)
BP Calculator The bonus BP is calculated via the BP of the highest members BP. The eligible members must be on the same screen.
Family Level |
Requires (Family Fund) |
Family BP |
Requires (RedStone) |
Bonus BP |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
30% |
2 |
1 Million |
Lv1 |
1 |
40% |
3 |
2 Million |
Lv2 |
2 |
50% |
4 |
5 Million |
Lv3 |
4 |
60% |
5 |
10 Million |
Lv4 |
1 Super RedStone |
70% | All family members, stand ready to fight for the conquest and survival, and also the recognition and honor.
Allies and Enemies (Under Development)
To protect family members, the leader of a family can click the Relation button to declare wars or make allies with other families.
Each family is allowed to have 5 enemies and 5 allies.
1. Chat with family members in the Family channel. 2. Fight on a team to share BP among family members. 3. Unite to occupy family battlegrounds by participating in the family wars. 4. The damage taken will be split by half between husband and wife.
Displaying Family Names
Under normal status: Do not show the family names
Scroll your mouse over a family member: His/her family name shows
 Hostile/War Status (Under Development): Members of both families can see the other family's name.
The Colors of Family Names (Under Development)
Your family: Yellow Hostile families: Red Allied families: Green Neutral families: White
Quit a Family
1. You can quit your family without notice. When this happens, your spouse will automatically quit. 2. A family member's spouse cannot quit if the original member is still in that family. 3. Your spouse will automatically be dispelled from your family once you get divorced. 4. The leader can expel members and dismiss the family without notice.
Related Links: Marriage BP Sharing Damage Split Family War |