Information - Eudemons Foster

Eudemon Foster--Primary Course

Eudemons are the second most important characters in "Eudemons Online". If you want to conquer this magic world, you should make fostering your eudemons a top priority.

Begin with the first egg

Every beginner will have two hatched eggs in the hatcher. (Click the eudemon icon in the interface to check them). Click them and the eudemons will appear in the list.

You see the "Summon" button below the eudemon's avatar? Click it and the handsome eudemon will stand by you at once.

There is a certain drop rate of eudemon eggs after you kill the monsters. Want to get more and better eudemons? Kill more monsters!

Eudemon hatching--The happiness of fostering

Open the eudemon interface and put the eggs in the hatcher. After an hour, your eudemon babies will be born! Remember that you have to be online during the hour, or you will have to re-hatch the eggs next time.

If your hatcher is full but you have more eggs to be hatched, you can find the eudemon shepherd in the city who can help you hatch five more eggs. The shepherd's hatcher takes twelve hours, but you do not have to stay online. The eggs will hatch after twelve hours whether you are online or offline.

A tip: If your eudemon bag is full but you still want to hatch more eggs, you can put five eggs at the eudemon shepherd in the city and five more at the eudemon shepherd in the market. And if you don't find it tiring, you can go to different cities and find different eudemon shepherds to hatch eggs for you. Then you can get many eudemon babies and your chances of getting a super eudemon will greatly increase!

Enough patience is the only way to get a eudemon of both high quality and high loyalty.

Summon a eudemon--Getting You on the Way

When a eudemon baby is born, you can summon it to accompany you in battle.

First you can summon two eudemons at the same time. After you have finished "Summon 3 Eudemons" quest or used a God Eudemon Stone, you will be able to summon three eudemons at the same time.

Your eudemons will accompany you and even actively attack the monsters around you, but you can't put them in danger without some efforts.

You can summon a eudemon that is ten levels higher than you at most.

Besides, when a eudemon is 3 levels higher than you, it can't get experience in battle.

The Rebirth of Eudemons

Eudemons are likely to die in a battle or by PK. You can revive them by killing monsters.

First you have to summon the dead eudemon; now a soul follows you. You need to kill monsters whose levels are almost the same as your eudemons. After the monsters are killed, eudemons can suck soul balls from them. When it's full, your babies revive.

Although your babies can revive, too many deaths will greatly reduce their loyalty.

Notice: your eudemons will revive sooner if the monsters you kill are at the same or higher level.