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Storyline of Eudemons - Fallen Deities

Prologue: Mythology 1. Genesis 2. The Demon 3. Darkness
4. Alliance 5. Survivor 6. Holy Land 7. Ambition
8. Aurora 9. Darkness Falls 10. Glimmer of Dawn 11. Dark Star
12. New Divide      

Chapter 5: Survivor

"I live to serve the light. I was born to cleanse this land!"

With an amazing will power, Agress survived from the dagger of the demon killers. After that he set his mind to make his way to Hirus.

"I am not alone. Gods will stand with me! They should be waiting for me urgently, I shall not be late!"

"Thank you my lord! I owe you a lot, without you, without your note, I could not go even further!"

"We have defeated the demon once, we will do better next time."

"I shall not waste my time in relaxation or hesitation! Justice shall be swift!"

Where there is will, there is a way.

Agress finally reached the holy land, Hirus!