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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

Summer Merchant's Gift

2024-05-13 00:00:00

Legendary Merchant Wales has traveled far and wide over the years, collecting many coveted treasures. Recently, this great merchant has once again come to Cronus City.

From May 17, 2024, to May 31, 2024, he is preparing to hold a grand sale, offering a variety of valuable goods for heroes to choose from, along with exciting rebates!



2024.5.17 - 5.31 23:59 [Server Time]



If your level reach 90, you can participate the event. Right-click on the Treasure Buying Invitation to find the path to the Legendary Merchant Wales.

► Legendary Merchant Wales has put a batch of valuable goods up for sale! Use items to get more discounts.

► You can get rebate rewards when your accumulated spending reaches a certain amount.

► When the amount of consumption reaches 88/888/1888/3888/8888/28888/57776 EPs, or the times of consumption reach 3/5/8/13/30/80, players will receive corresponding rebates.

► There is a 50% probability of receiving a random reward when purchasing.

► During the event, the quantity of each item that you can purchase is limited.


On Sale

Item Price(EP) Limited
L80 Ancient Dragon Crystal[B] 188 5
Dragon Candle Chest 6888 10
Fire Fragment Pouch[B] 190 500
50000 Star Points[B] 246 100
Divine Fire Legacy 268 32
Fine L80 Meteor Box 3600 5
Valuable L80 Meteor Box 6200 5
Deluxe L80 Meteor Box 8300 5
Fine L80 Crescent Box 4300 5
Valuable L80 Crescent Box 7800 5
Deluxe L80 Crescent Box 10300 5
Fine L80 Sun Box 5000 5
Valuable L80 Sun Box 9300 5
Deluxe L80 Sun Box 12400 5
Splendid Rune 300 /
L80 Chaotic Crystal 60 200
Mount Tomb Secret Chest 1700 20
Candle Star Chest 3000 5
Candle Moon Chest 5000 5
Candle Sun Chest 7000 5
Splendid Soul Stamp 300 100
Divine Fire Boost Box[B] 300 500
Luck Potion Pouch 300 /
Expansion Scroll Pouch 588 /
Hetia Secret Chest 276 /

Please refer to the game for specific content of event.


Event-Related Rewards

Rewards for accumulated spending

Consumption Reward Attribute
88 EPs Luxury Star Box Bound
888 EPs Divine Fire Legacy Bound
1888 EPs L2 Rare Panacea Bound
3888 EPs L80 Ancient Dragon Crystal Bound
8888 EPs Moon Butterfly Unbound
28888 EPs Moon Ritual Pack Unbound
57776 EPs Serene Moonlight Unbound

The display of Appreance

Item Introduction
Moon Butterfly The butterfly was once a symbol of dream and beauty. But now it has fallen with the priestess of Moonlight Shrine and transformed into a destructive butterfly.
Moon Ritual Pack Open to get 1 Moon Ritual garment that fits your gender, 1 Moon Ritual Hairstyle Card, and 1 Moon Ritual Avatar Card. The items are all bound and permanent.
Serene Moonlight The serene moonlight solidifies the moon`s brilliance, silence and eternity, but also witnesses the loneliness of the priestess.


Moon Ritual Female

(Note: The picture effect includes garment and back decorations Moon Butterfly & Serene Moonlight )

Moon Ritual Male

(Note: The picture effect includes garment and back decorations Moon Butterfly & Serene Moonlight )

Please refer to the game for specific content of event.

Rewards for times of comsumption

Times Reward Quantity
3 Luxury Star Bag 1
5 L80 Fire Fragment Bag 1
8 L80 Blazing Meteor [B] 1
13 L80 Blazing Crescent [B] 1
30 L80 Blazing Sun [B] 1
80 Lunar Point 688

Please refer to the game for specific content of event.