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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

Anniversay Sign-in

2023-05-17 00:00:00

Anniversary Sign-in is in progress! Find Sign-in Envoy Renee to sign in and claim copious rewards! 


Anniversary Sign-in


2023.5.18 - 2023.5.31


►During the event, you can contact Sign-in Envoy Renee (341,381) to sign in and get 1 Anniversary Sign-in Bag every day. 

►After signing in 14 times, you can achieve full sign-in and get 1 Grand Sign-in Bag! Come to celebrate the anniversary together!

►What's more, you can claim online rewards if you are online for 10 minutes. 


►You need to reach level 90, complete Apotheosis, and be able to summon 3 Eudemons first.

Event Rewards

Item Introduction
Joyful Anniversary Pack  From May 18 to June 28, open the pack for a 0.5% chance to get the Classic Anniversary Bag (B). The chance increases in next opening if you don`t get the bag this time.
Bolt Crystal Bag Open the bag before July 5 to get a random number of Bolt Crystals. (Bolt Crystals in the bound bag are also bound.)
Classic Anniversary Bag  Open the bag between June 1 and June 28 to choose 3 items from the reward. After June 28, open to randomly get 3 items.
Anniversary Sign-in Bag
Open for a chance to get 5000 Star Points, 1 Reborn Sphere +2, 1 L75 Jungle Fire (B), etc.
Grand Sign-in Bag Open for a chance to get 1 Splendid Rune (B), 1 10000 Star Points Bag (B), 5 L75 Fire Fragments (B), etc.
Eudemon Sale


2023.5.17 - 2023.5.30


►During the event, precious Eudemons will be back for sale!

►You can buy rare packs like Dragon Prophet Packs, Mighty Lord Packs, and Chronicle Keeper Bags at a favorable price from Shopping Mall!