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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

Notice Regarding the Free Server Transfer in London after Merging

2020-05-20 19:12:54
Hello heroes!
Due to the merging of London and Ophiuchus server on May 21st., we offer a free server transfer chance for people who might sustain loss of it.  There are three kinds of people  below who can have this chance:
1. People who transferred from London to Ophiuchus previously.
2. People who transferred from Ophiuchus to London previously.
3. People who are Shop VIP 5 or beyond Shop VIP 5.
If you want to use this chance to transfer server freely, please follow the rule below:
1. You have to transfer to other server in two weeks(Before June 4th, 23:59 GMT).
2. Transfer by yourself first(It means you have to pay for it first), then contact GMs by email( if you meet the requirement.
3. We will refund the EPs in a week to the character you transferred after confirm.
4. Shop VIP 5+ can only get free chance for their own character. This privilege can not be borrowed by others. 
5. All people who meet the requirement can only transfer one character freely.
6. People can only transfer the character in London after merging with this chance.
If you have any problem,  or don`t know whether you meet the requirement, please contact us. Thanks for your understanding.