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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

DreamFairy Ruby

2018-10-03 15:10:00

DreamFairy Ruby

Dreamfariy Ruby comes from the land of air,she is good at fire magic,which can be used to defeat the evil.But not everybody that knows she can also merge with her sister DreamFairy Lilla to be the holy phoenix.

Type: Annual Eudemon, Mount

Major Stats:
Max M-Atk GR Cap: 42
Min M-Atk GR Cap: 13
Max P-Atk GR Cap: 60
Min P-Atk GR Cap: 17

Initial Stats
Initial HP: 290
Initial M-Defense: 88
Initial P-Defense: 88
Initial Min M-Attack: 99
Initial Max M-Attack: 99
Initial Min P-Attack: 99
Initial Max P-Attack: 99

Minor Stats
HP GR Cap: 50
M-Defense GR Cap: 12.5
P-Defense GR Cap: 12.5