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Eudemon Rank Server Steam

New Year Party On!

2018-01-09 16:35:32

New Year Party started on Jan. 10th! Join in and win limited garments Lime Houppelande, Pink Berengaria, Flame Coat, Refined Amber/Beryl/Sapphire, Yellow/Red/Violet Stones, and more!

Duration: Jan. 10th - 14th

  1. Find the Egg Chests in Cronus, open to get rewards!
  2. Enter Egg Bank every night at 21:00-21:59 & 23:00-23:59 to find the Treasure Eggs!
  3. New year gifts will be blossom with the fireworks every 3 minutes in Firework Party!
  4. Try your luck in the Luck House to win limited garements!