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Limited Azure Weapon Soul Only Available for ONE Month

* Source: Official * Views: * Date: Nov 01 2013 01:19:57

Along with the new month, the new set of limited Azure Weapon Soul is available now! Weapon Soul is like a brand new outfit for your weapon, with no level requirement. When you put it on, the mysterious soul will embed into your weapons, filling them with live, making them giant and stunning!

Duration: Nov. 1st - Dec. 1st

Azure Weapon Soul will only be in the Shopping Mall for ONE month, and will be permanently removed after Dec. 1st. If you like the cold and frozen style, don't miss out on this chance to get your weapon the coolest outfit!

Vampire - Azure Frost Talons
Mage - Azure Cream Staff
Paladin - Azure Frost Wand
Necromancer - Azure Frost Staff
Warrior - Azure Frost Sword/Blade