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Information - Gem Embedding

Gem Embedding

When you#DY#ve got equipment with sockets and gems, you can find Charles at the market (92, 99) to embed the gems for you. He will charge you 100,000 gold for every gem embedded. Two gems can be embedded at the most. But please notice that the gem#DY#s positions are not the same. (Please refer to the Gem Introduction.)

When you#DY#ve got equipment with sockets, you can start the journey of collect gems. There have been five types of different gems for embedding (Each is again divided into three levels). You can either get them in battles or buy them in VIP shops. Gems can be traded and stored without being worn out. But gems that have not been embedded into equipment may drop when you die.

Step 1: Find GemSocket Charles at the market (92,99).
Step 2: Talk to him and choose "Please embed the gem for me".
Step 3: Put the equipment in the left frame, one or two sockets will appear in the right side according to the number of sockets in the equipment.
Step 4: Click the gem in the inventory and drag it to the socket. Then click the "Embed" button.
Step 5: Check the weapon in the inventory to see if the gem has been embedded.