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Necro Realm P5 - Sacha

Necro Realm P5 - Sacha

Type: Mage, Necro Eudemon
(Can be summoned from the Necro Realm by the Necromancers)

Necro Realm P5 - Sacha

Necro Realm P5 - Sacha

Necro Realm P5 - Sacha

Sympathy is the last thing you can expect from Sacha, who is a fear from the inferno. The cold blood reveals its nature of cruelty and blood thirst. Only the most powerful hunters are able to achieve Sacha's obedience.
Initial Stats Value
Initial HP 290
Initial M-Def 56
Initial P-Def 36
Initial Min M-Atk 86
Initial Max M-Atk 99
Initial Min P-Atk 20
Initial Max P-Atk 30
Major Stats Value
Max M-Atk GR 31.5
Min M-Atk GR 21
Minor Stats Value
Max HP GR 62.5
Max P-Def GR 4.5
Max M-Def GR 12.5
Min P-Atk GR 5
Max P-Atk GR 7.5
Misc Value
Rarity 0